discover root causes of autoimmune from food sensitivity

chemical exposure to virus infections

Auto immune diseases are group of illness when your immune system attacks your own tissue. In traditional medicine model , steroid and immune inhibitors are the main treatment options for those who suffers autoimmune diseases . There are side effects from long term use steroid or immune suppressors. In some severe cases, the patients might lose bottle with auto immune diseases , some of them need to be on long term steroid use or even surgery to remove severe damaged organs , such as ulcerative colitis might needs surgical dissection to remove partial or entire colon.

Functional immunology has set an light to the end of tunnel for those suffer auto immune diseases . As we know now , there are multiple epigenetic factors which contributes to auto immune responses in the body . It may take decades to develop an auto immune diseases from initial Silent Autoimmunity, to Reactive Autoimmunity, then Autoimmune Disease. Early on, signs of autoimmunity may be present without any symptoms or tissue damage. If caught early, steps can be taken keep your body’s autoimmune response from leading to autoimmune disease with tissue damage.

Root causes of Autoimmunity:

When your immune system is functioning properly, it’s able to distinguish foreign substances (non self) from your own tissue and cells (self). For example, when an infection occurs, one group of your immune cells identifies the bacteria or virus as a foreign threat and tags it so that your immune system can mount an attack, destroy the invading pathogen, and return your body back to a state of health. This process of distinguishing self from non-self can, however, malfunction. In autoimmunity, your immune system erroneously tags your own tissue as “foreign” and, thus, marks it for destruction.

Although the exact mechanisms by which autoimmunity develops are not fully known, several factors have been identified that can trigger the autoimmune process:

  • Food: Allergies or sensitivities to foods such as gluten, dairy, soy, or eggs.
  • Toxins: Chemical triggers include BPA, pesticides, heavy metals, and benzene
  • Infections: Infectious triggers include Epstein Barr Virus, Herpes Virus, Candida, Lyme, and Hepatitis C.
  • Lifestyle: Triggers include chronic stress, insomnia, and lack of physical activity, smoking, and drug/alcohol use.

Your immune system starts to tag your own tissue as a threat, creating antibodies to various body parts including, but not limited to:

  • Your Thyroid: Can progress to Hashimotos Thyroiditis
  • Your Joints: Can progress to Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Your Pancreas: Can progress to Type 1 Diabetes
  • Your Nerve Sheaths: Can progress to Multiple Sclerosis
  • Your Gut: Can progress to Celiac Disease or Crohn’s Disease or Ulcerative Colitis
    • Food and seasoning Allergies
    • Anxiety
    • Neuroinflammation and Brain fog
    • Digestive problems
    • Dry mouth and dry eyes
    • Chronic Fatigue and fibromyalgia
    • Headaches
    • Hyperactivity
    • Skin rashes including eczema and acne
    • Joint or muscle pain
    • Weight loss or gain

Steps You Can Take To Limit Progression

The good news is that you can not only improve your symptoms, but you can also reduce your chances of developing autoimmune disease. The functional medicine approach to autoimmunity involves identifying and removing the root causes of your autoimmunity. Since many of the triggers of autoimmunity are related to your environment, it’s important to develop a lifestyle that promotes healthy immune system including:

  • Eating a whole food diet that avoids your food triggers as well as processed foods or foods high in sugar & corn syrup.
  • Getting restful sleep regularly
  • Staying physically active
  • Effectively managing stress
  • Detoxifying your body on a regular basis
  • Addressing chronic viral or bacterial burdens

Prolonging Remission and Managing Relapses

Auto immune diseases we treated :

  1. Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  2. Crohn’s disease
  3. Hashimoto thyroiditis
    If you have developed an autoimmune disease, you can experience remission. In this case, the same steps initially recommended to limit the progression of your autoimmunity apply to managing your autoimmune disease. Your functional medicine provider will provide you with a care plan that aims to improve your symptoms and halt or even reduce some of the damage done to your tissues.

  • Understanding how your autoimmunity developed and developing a strategy to keep it in check is essential to optimizing your immune health and to recover from possible relapses. This management strategy includes:
  • Anti-inflammatory food plan: Foods which you can eat that to prevent or recover from a relapse.
  • Supplement protocol: Custom supplement plan that promotes a balanced immune system.
  • Self-care plan: Specific daily activities such as quality sleep, physical activity, and supportive personal interaction that reduce stress and support healthy immune function.
  • If you think you might be suffering from autoimmunity, it’s crucial for you to have your healthcare provider properly assess your symptoms. Standard lab testing and yearly checkups often fail to identify the signs of autoimmunity. The functional medicine approach is designed to not only check you for autoimmunity, but also effectively address and manage your autoimmune triggers.

For more information on how you can optimize your health and evaluate your risk for autoimmunity, please contact us.