Dr.Linda Li at BODY Focus Clinic offers:

  • Anti-Aging Services
  • Well-Being Program
  • Detoxification program
  • “Proper care works magic for delaying aging.”

Finding the Fountain of Youth is possible with anti-aging medicine, as it works to prevent the effects of aging while preserving mental and physical well-being.

Body Focus Clinic is an Anti-Aging Center that offers individualized treatment programs; examine the levels of antioxidants in the body to verify that they are sufficient to protect the body from deterioration and the effects of free radicals, under the leadership of Dr. Linda li. Our comprehensive programs also include consultation for stress elimination, customized supplements based on diagnosis and blood tests, and proper diet and exercise protocols. Follow-up consultations are scheduled every four to six months.


  • Antioxidant, vitamin and mineral levels
  • Fatty acids: polyunsaturated fatty acid (Omega 3,6,9), saturated fatty acid
  • Oxidative damage markers
  • Detoxification functions
  • Gut dysbiosis markers
  • Neurotransmitters

“Root cause approach to treat individual inside and out is our primary mission at BODY FOCUS.”  We mean business when we say this because we understand the real benefits that comes with good health. Besides not being sick, economically things will be thriving and life will be comfortable for all.

The BODY FOCUS CLINIC has developed a hormone program aimed at controlling and balancing hormone levels vital to maintaining physical and mental efficiency.

The program is recommended for people over the age of 35, when hormone balance changes are common. These changes in hormone balance may contribute to decreased energy, lower metabolism, degenerative skin conditions, decreased bone density, insomnia, anxiety, depression and diminished sex drive. Hormone imbalance also increases the risk of high cholesterol and ischemic heart disease.

The hormone replacement therapies at BMC Anti-Aging Center use only bio-identical hormones, which are synthesized to be identical to the indigenous hormones of the human body. With close follow-up examinations and individualized hormone control, our hormone replacement therapies are of the highest standards of safety and effectiveness.

Weight Management Program


Designed to improve both your self-confidence and physical strength, the weight management program involves analyzing the causes of obesity and treating them with an individually tailored program. BODY FOCUS CLINIC offers a program of proper exercise and diet that incorporates the latest weight-loss technology to maintain long-lasting quality of life.

Lifestyle Assessment

Recognizing that lifestyle modification is paramount in preventing and delaying deterioration, our physicians will introduce you to an individualized diet for fat, protein and carbohydrate control, along with an exercise program that is right for you. As psychological illnesses may also affect the body, we offer programs to evaluate psychological conditions and provide customized therapy. These programs apply a holistic approach to stress-reduction techniques, mental health promotion, eating disorders and more.

Aesthetic Anti-Aging Program

Take note that we have resolved to make it our commitment and to ensure that your inner beauty is complement by accentuating your complete outside beauty.