Regenerative treatment options we offer

When you’re considering what to do for muscular skeletal injuries, Dr. Linda Li helps patients throughout Great Chicago and Rockford suffering from a stiff neck, back pain, degenerative disc disease, and arthritis with regenerative therapies to help tore ligaments and tendon to heal . The regenerative therapies includes prolozone , Prolotherapy, platelet rich plasma, ozone and exosome therapy by injecting above solutions into a ligament, tendon, or joint to create inflammation and bring blood supply to the area. This promotes new cell growth and tissue healing. This innovative pain management treatment enhances function and repairs rotator cuff tear, tennis elbows, sprained ankles chronic back and neck pain for patients of all ages. During a consultation, you can learn what that regenerative therapy can do for your recovery.

Prolotherapy, Prolozone, platelet rich plasma, exosome and ozone injections are three different medical treatments with distinct characteristics and purposes. While they may have some similarities, they differ in terms of the substances used and the intended therapeutic effects. Here’s a breakdown of each treatment:

1. Prolotherapy:
Prolotherapy, short for “proliferative therapy,” is a non-surgical treatment aimed at promoting tissue repair and stimulating the body’s natural healing processes. It involves injecting a solution, typically a dextrose (sugar water) solution, along with a local anesthetic, into ligaments, tendons, or joint spaces. The solution is intended to irritate and stimulate the affected area, triggering an inflammatory response. This response promotes the production of collagen and other substances that help strengthen and repair the injured tissues. Prolotherapy is commonly used to treat chronic musculoskeletal pain, ligament laxity, and tendon injuries.

2. Prolozone:
Prolozone is an advanced form of prolotherapy that combines the principles of prolotherapy with the addition of ozone gas (O3). Ozone is a highly reactive form of oxygen with potent therapeutic properties. During a prolozone treatment, a mixture of ozone gas and nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and homeopathic substances, is injected into the affected area. The combination of ozone and nutrients is believed to enhance the regenerative effects of prolotherapy. Prolozone therapy is often used for musculoskeletal conditions, including joint pain, arthritis, herniated discs, and degenerative conditions.

3. Ozone Injections:
Ozone injections, also known as ozone injection therapy, involve the injection of medical-grade ozone gas into intra-articular spaces or specific body tissues. Ozone gas has oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties, and it is thought to improve oxygen utilization, stimulate circulation, and mitigate oxidative stress. Ozone injections can be administered in various ways, such as direct injection into joints, muscles, or subcutaneous tissue. Ozone injections have been used for conditions like musculoskeletal pain, herniated discs, and chronic infections.

4. Platelet Rich Plasma injections:
In summary, prolotherapy, prolozone, and ozone injections are three distinct treatments used for musculoskeletal conditions. Prolotherapy involves injecting a dextrose solution, while prolozone combines ozone gas with nutrients, and ozone injections focus on delivering medical-grade ozone alone. These therapies aim to promote tissue healing, reduce pain, and improve overall function, but the specific methods and substances used differentiate them from one another. It’s important to consult with a qualified healthcare professional to determine which treatment may be most suitable for your individual needs.

5. Exosome therapy
Exosome therapy is an emerging approach in joint pain management that harnesses the potential of exosomes, tiny vesicles secreted by various cells, to promote tissue repair and reduce inflammation. Exosomes are loaded with bioactive molecules, including growth factors and microRNAs, which play crucial roles in cell-to-cell communication and tissue regeneration. In joint pain management, exosome therapy involves isolating and purifying exosomes from a patient’s body fluids or donor sources and injecting them into the affected joint.

Exosomes have shown promise in alleviating joint pain by modulating the immune response, reducing inflammation, and promoting the growth of healthy cartilage and connective tissue. Unlike other treatments, exosome therapy is minimally invasive, with a low risk of adverse reactions since it typically uses a patient’s own exosomes. Or it is obtained from rigorously screened donors.

While exosome therapy is a relatively new field and ongoing research is essential to establish its long-term effectiveness, early results suggest its potential as a regenerative and pain-relieving option for individuals suffering from joint conditions like osteoarthritis, tendinitis, or ligament injuries. It represents a promising avenue for improving joint health and enhancing the overall quality of life for those with chronic joint pain.

The Science of Healing

Understanding the scientific principles behind our therapies is crucial for appreciating their potential benefits. PRP Therapy, for instance, leverages growth factors in your own blood to promote tissue healing. Prolotherapy works on the principle of creating a mild inflammatory response, which kickstarts the body’s natural healing processes. 

Exosome Therapy, a relatively new field, involves harnessing cellular communication mechanisms to encourage tissue repair. These therapies are grounded in ongoing research and a deep understanding of the human body’s regenerative capabilities.

Research and Development

At Body Focus Clinic, we stay abreast of the latest scientific developments in pain management. Our treatments are not only based on well-established medical principles but also on emerging research in regenerative medicine. We are committed to adopting and refining new methods that have shown promise in scientific studies, ensuring our patients can access the most advanced care available.

Who is the best candidate for Regenerative therapy?

The best candidate for regenerative therapies at Integrative Medical Pain Clinic is someone with neck, back, hand, knee, hip, or shoulder pain. This treatment has been proven to help patients treat both chronic and acute conditions, as well as injuries that cause stiffness or loss of mobility. During your consultation with Dr. Linda Li , she can evaluate your condition and symptoms to decide if you’re a candidate for prolotherapy treatment in Chicago or Rockford , IL .


After your regenerative therapy treatment, you may notice swelling, bruising, or slight stiffness in the treated areas. This should resolve itself quickly, and you can resume your normal activities when you’re comfortable doing so. Follow-up treatments at Interventional Orthopedics of Atlanta are necessary to maintain your results. We recommend scheduling a treatment every four weeks. Most patients need 3 – 6 treatments for optimal results. Throughout your treatment process with Dr. Linda Li . necessary adjustments may be needed to ensure you get the best possible results for your condition.

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